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Entries in adventures (12)


I'm Back + ICFF 2012

Hey, remember how I said I'd "see you Wednesday" and now it's the Tuesday after? Man, I'm sorry about that. Coming back from ICFF left me playing the catch-up game hard core and even included an . It was messy. BUT! I'm back! And ICFF was awesome:

I met and hung out with so many cool people!

I saw lots of cute dogs!


I had !

I saw tons of incredible designs!

I got a !

I stayed with ever!

I even got to meet Jonathan Adler (OMG)! OMG.

Like I said, it was awesome. If you get a chance, go! You can also see loads more photos from this trip (and all my other adventures) on Instagram at CapreeK.

Meanwhile, I'll be back to regular posting this week!


1. Amy from Old Sweet Song 2. Morgan from Ampersand Design Studio 3. Aimée Wilder 4. Jaime from Design Milk 5. Delaney Light Works 6. Christopher Poehlmann Lighting 7. Grain Design 8. Jeni Tu


Happy Weekend!

Heya there, Adventurers!  It's the weekend again, and not just any weekend--it's my birthday weekend!  Hoo boy.  To celebrate, I'm running away with my hubby to a snowy mill at the top of a mountain:

Image: Johnson Mill

And then, if all goes as planned, I'm going to check off something that's been on my bucket list since I was a little eight-year-old girl: DOG SLEDDING.

Image: Heinz-Peter Bader

What!  I'm totally stoked.

I'll see y'all back here on Tuesday!  In the meantime, I hope you'll enjoy my posts from Curbly this week and, of course, have a very happy weekend!



MAIYA :: Las Vegas Market 2012 Recapaganza!

Hey, remember when I went to the Las Vegas Market two weeks ago and I promised a recap full of photos and pixies and unicorn dander??  Well, that time has come friends.  Hold on to your pants, because it's a doozy!  (And by "doozy" I mean it's full of pretty photos I took with my smartphone... because I'm smart. And I travel light.)  Ready?  Read on!

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