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Entries in my home (24)


MAIYA at Home :: How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets

As you know, we recently completed our kitchen makeover (yaaaay), with the bulk of our efforts going towards painting our kitchen cabinets.  This is something I've been wanting to do since the day we moved in and am so happy to have finally taken the DIY plunge.  It was a lot of work, but SO WORTH IT.

If you're thinking about painting your cabinets, I've put together a pretty detailed how-to over on Curbly, so please, please, please check it out before you start!  It's loaded with tips and step-by-step photos.

Good luck!

LINK: How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets: A Step-by-Step Guide to DIY Bliss!


MAIYA :: My Kitchen Makeover on Curbly

This has been a long time coming, friends!  My kitchen makeover is up on Curbly today -- WOOHOO!  Check out all the pretty "after" photos and let me know what you think!

LINK: Capree's Kitchen Makeover, Part III: The BIG Reveal!


Happy Weekend + A Sneak Peek!


I'm excited to get a jump on the weekend and wrap up a few projects I've been working on, namely our kitchen makeover!  I'll be sharing the BIG REVEAL over on Curbly on Monday, but I thought I'd toss out a little sneak peek because I love you guys so much.  Are you ready?

OoOOoo!  Camera phone pic of a kitchen!  I knew you'd be excited.  Can't wait to show you the rest on Monday.  Until then, perhaps some of my posts from elsewhere this week will tide you over.  Enjoy!


10 colorful bedrooms to delight and inspire... and delight some more!

I'm loving this dramatic living room makeover!

Things I'm going to make real, real soon: paint-dipped kitchen utensils, modern paper vases, and these painted porcelain plates!

And then I'm going to get down with some paper crafts and make some cool folded paper star lanterns and one, if not all, of these DIY paper flowers!

After that it's all about the peanut butter... homemade peanut butter from scratch, that is!  Yummy in my tummy.


Happy weekend!


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