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Hang Pot Planter :: Wallter

I've been excited to share MAIYA sponsor (and all around great people -- check out their feature in this month's Sunset Mag) Wallter's newest design since I first caught a peek of their Dwell on Design booth: the Hang Pot planter!  Like their other modern planters, this design is made from powder-coated spun aluminum, meaning it'll hold up indoors AND out (especially out).  Available in Wallter's signature turquoise, mustard, orange, and white.

Hang Pot planter by Wallter: $125

Psst: Don't forget! Enter code MAIYA20 for 20% off all Wallter.com orders!

Reader Comments (2)

Oooh, these are fab. Love the bright colors. If only I wasn't in the process of emptying my condo (for renovations), I'd snap one up.

January 27, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteradele {dellie}

I agree--the colors are delicious! And I think you should still get one; think of it as a treat for starting your renovation! ;)

January 27, 2012 | Registered CommenterCapreeK