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Entries in mirrors (7)


Constance Guisset :: Francis Mirror

I'm fairly certain these mirrors have mystical properties.  The mere fact that their fluid patterns are achieved by modern printing techniques (based on original watercolor paintings by the designer, Constance Guisset) is proof enough!  I mean, that's straight up MAGIC, folks.

If a large wall mirror isn't in your future, though, you'll be happy to know that these beauties are also available in tiny, compact-mirror form.  It'll be like looking at the galaxy every time you look at your face.  Rad.

Francis Wall Mirror by Constance Guisset: $625

Francis Compact-Mirror: $45


New from CB2 :: Top Picks

Oh, CB2... I cannot resist your siren song!  Happily, you've been on the color explosion bus for a little while now, so I'll come willingly (especially if there's a Hitch Stool waiting for me at the end).  Anyway, NEW STUFF FROM CB2!!!  Here are my top picks.

1. Idle/Go Hanging Clock: $149

2. Liquid Round Bowl in Pool: $39.95

3. Metal High Gloss Coat Rack in Clover: $24.95

4. Coup Pillow in Clover: $29.95

5. Techno Swirl Plate: $3.95

6. Clutch Floor Lamp: $199

7. Hitch Stool in Marigold: $169

8. Button-Up Circle Pillow in Red: $19.95

9. Pixel Rug: $349

10. Speedy Modular Storage: $99.95

11. Stach Pillow: $29.95

12. Flip 'n' Dine Table: $499

13. Luck Side Table: $199

14. Grassroots Dinnerware: $3.99 - $5.95

15. Round Mirror in Pool: $99.95

Check out all their new stuff right here and let me know what some of your faves are!


Bound Mirror :: Grain

I'm a huge fan of sneaking color into just about anything, so I got pretty excited when I spotted these textile-wrapped mirrors by Grain, a design studio based in the Pacific Northwest.  The edges are hand-wrapped in renewable hemp twine and the back sports a nifty bamboo/wool felt combo.  Also, with every sale, Grain donates to environmental causes through 1% For the Planet.  Colorful, unique, and sustainable?  I'll take it!

Check out more of Grain's Earth-friendly products right here.

Bound Mirror by Grain: $265 - $1100

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